Active Living for Life Program
First winter session runs from January 14th to May 2nd. Sessions are held every Tuesday (3 pm EST) and Friday (10 am EST). Note there are no sessions on Tuesday March 11, 14 and Friday April 18.
Join at anytime, click here for more information!
The Active Living for Life program focuses on building healthy lifestyles for people who have chronic kidney disease and are looking to improve their personal fitness levels. The program allows people to become more active and have more energy to do the things they love! Kidney-friendly exercise classes are offered, combined with discussions, ideas, and daily activities to help make healthy choices.
The program consists of two one-hour classes per week. The first week provides an introduction to the program including meeting fellow classmates and instructors (virtually), individual evaluations, and an introduction to the exercise programs. The program focuses on different aspects of fitness targeting stability, injury prevention, posture, muscular strength, and flexibility. The cardio component is individual; however, support is provided to you throughout the program to assist with increasing your cardio activity using a pedometer.
Our mission is to:
• Provide you with various tools to help lead an active lifestyle in a safe and comfortable environment
• Provide support to help you overcome barriers that have stopped you from enjoying physical activity
• Help you find ways of becoming more active in your daily life
The program will be offered online at no cost and supervised by Monika Dylewski, Registered Kinesiologist. It will consist of two 45-minute sessions a week and will be offered for the period of 15 weeks. Each session will include a warm up, strengthening and balance exercises, and a cool down.
To register, email us at with your contact details.
Interested in receiving more information about the Active Living for Life Program?
Contact us at